Our Lady of Lourdes School

Provident Bank's Reading Rocks Program 2006...





During the summer, Our Lady of Lourdes students had the opportunity to earn money for themselves and for the school through the Provident Bank's Reading Rocks Program.


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Here's how it worked:


Each participating student would read a book and complete a report or drawing about the book. When brought to the bank, the child would receive $5 per book (up to 5 books) for themselves in a Young Savers Account. The Provident Bank would match each book read and donate the money to the school.




Any Our Lady of Lourdes students that participated in the program this summer will also have a chance at a special drawing for an additional prize. The students that participated in the program during the summer of 2006 are:

Molly Balsamo - 2 books
Sara Balsamo - 2 books

First Grade
Nicholas Florczak - 5 books
Alexis Telidecki - 5 books

Second Grade
Thomas Lynch - 5 books

Fourth Grade
Kristen Welsh - 2 books

Sixth Grade
Thomas Florczak - 4 books


Congratulations to the winner of the Our Lady of Lourdes raffle!

In addition to a reading certificate, this lucky student received a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble.

Thank you to all our readers!!