Our Lady of Lourdes School
Swine Influenza


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Nurse Simons assisting at the borough clinic

On November 11th and November 14th, OLOL students received flu vaccine at a Milltown Schools Based Clinic. Through a coordinated effort between OLOL and Milltown Public Schools and the Middlesex County Public Health Department, the clinic was planned and implemented to serve our students.  All students under age 10 require two doses of H1N1 vaccine.  A second clinic will be held in December for these students. Any parents interested in obtaining H1N1 vaccine (at no cost) for children under 24 years of age, and  anyone any age with asthma or respiratory conditions, caring for a child under the age of 6 months, or is pregnant may call the Middlesex County Public Health Department.  Appointments may be made by calling 732-565-3788.


Statement from Department of Health and Senior Services - H1N1 (October 28, 2009)

Seasonal and 2009 H1N1 Flu: A Guide for Parents

CDC - Q&A (2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine)

Swine Influenza - Guidance for School Districts

Protect Children From the Flu

Preventing Illness in the School Setting

Pandemic Flu Planning and Emergency Preparedness Kit

Is it the cold or the flu?

Help Prevent the Flu

Healthy Habits

Hand Washing 101

H1N1 - Additional Information


H1N1 Consent Form