Our Lady of Lourdes School


Pre-Kindergarten Program...






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Pre-K Program

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Curriculum Goals

The general curriculum areas are social development, spiritual growth, language development, mathematics concepts, science and social studies concepts, art, music and motor visual coordination.

Goals of the Program

  1. Mental Growth
    - To develop initiative and creativity
    - To learn to follow simple directions
    - To develop language ability
    - To learn to ask questions
    - To learn about the world around me

  2. Physical Growth
    To provide an opportunity for physical activities, for muscular development and for recreation.

  3. Emotional Growth
    - To develop a sense of responsibility
    - To develop self-reliance
    - To develop a reasonable amount of self-control

  4. Social Growth
    - To learn to get along with others
    - To learn to share and take turns
    - To develop fair play
    - To learn to respect one's property and that of others

  5. Spiritual Growth
    - To see God in the world about us
    - To worship God daily
    - To grow in faith
    - To know and love Jesus
    - To develop an awareness of self as a person and as a child of God

Each child should have a complete physical examination by his/her family physician before admission.

Medication will not be administered to your child during the school session. Please make arrangements for medication to be given before or after school hours.

The school year is from September to June with the usual holidays being observed. In the event of inclement weather, please listen to radio station 1450 WCTC-AM for Our Lady of Lourdes, Milltown, WCTC's website with school closings, or the home page of our school's website. In case of emergency of a school closing, you will be notified by the Honeywell Instant Alert system.

Extended-Day Care
The program is available after the first Pre-Kindergarten session until 6:00 pm each day for full day students. There is a separate fee for this service. For more information regarding this program please click HERE.

Our Lady of Lourdes School reserves the right to request withdrawal of any child who finds it difficult to make the adjustment of attending school. In the event of withdrawal by parents, the office must be notified a minimum of two weeks prior.

Our Lady of Lourdes Pre-Kindergarten admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or make available to students in the program.



Pre-Kindergarten Schedule

3 year olds:
5 full-day sessions (Monday - Friday) 8:00am - 2:00pm
5 half-day sessions (Monday - Friday) 8:00am - 11:00am
3 full-day sessions (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) 8:00am - 2:00pm
3 half-day sessions (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) 8:00 - 11:00am
2 half-day sessions (Tuesday & Thursday)  11:30 am - 2:00 pm

4 year olds:
5 full-day sessions (Monday - Friday)  8:00 - 2:00 pm
5 half-day sessions (Monday - Friday)  8:00 am - 11:00 am
3 full-day sessions (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) 8:00 - 2:00 pm
3 half-day sessions (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)  8:00 am - 11:00 pm

Pre-Kindergarten Registration Information

Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines

Registration Packet for Pre-K 3

Registration Packet for Pre-K 4