Our Lady of Lourdes School

Falcons Athletic Association...

      Falcons registration begins in August and continues through September. Please see document with dates below for more information.



The Our Lady of Lourdes Falcon Athletic Association offers a variety of sports programs. All Our Lady of Lourdes School and CCD students are eligible to participate. (Students from other Catholic schools which do not offer sports programs may also be eligible subject to approval from their Pastor and OLOL's Pastor.) All students who register are members of the team. There are no try-outs or cuts.

The sports programs currently offered are as follows:

Itty Biddy, Biddy, Junior Varsity and Varsity Cheerleading Teams (Rosters will be determined and approved by the Falcon Athletics Board in consultation with the head coach for each team)

Introductory Skills Basketball - Boys/Girls Grades K-2

Boys Basketball - Grades 3-4

Girls Basketball - Grades 3-4

Boys JV Basketball - Grades 5-6

Girls JV Basketball - Grades 5-6

Boys Varsity Basketball - Grades 7-8

Girls Varsity Basketball - Grades 7-8



The Our Lady of Lourdes Falcons offer an excellent opportunity for a student to be part of a low-key athletic environment and to learn the values of teamwork and sportsmanship.  Anyone who wishes to register or who has any questions should contact: Mr. Chris Gerace (732-387-2073) or Mr. Dave Rudolph (732-433-8594)

Thanks and GO FALCONS!


(Registration on all days will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes School)

Click HERE for the registration forms

Click HERE for the dates and times to register



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