Our Lady of Lourdes School
School Advisory Council (SAC)...


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If you are interested in joining the SAC, please click on this message to obtain the application and send the completed form to Pat Coiro at pcoiro@ololschoolnj.org or call 718-938-8144...

The SAC is an advisory board which works with the pastor and principal in making recommendations to the Pastor for his approval in the areas of planning and development, finance, budgetary and personnel matters, and the formulation of school policy.

2010-2011 SAC Members
Executive Committee:
Rev. Edward Czarcinski, Pastor
Sr. Maria Gruszka, Principal
Jim Lukach, President

Sharon Balsamo, Vice-President

General Members:
Ed Domingo
Johnny Gellibert
Anthony Jones
Mary Kwietniak
Mark Lanzi
Patricia Laudino
Carol Nickerson
Lauren Payer
Tom Wojtal
Will Young

Patricia Coiro, Faculty



All parents and other interested members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
 are invited to consider joining one of the committees.
Anyone interested in joining should contact Steve Sullivan.

Committee Chairperson Description
Finance Stephen Sullivan Works closely with the Parish Finance Committee, Pastor and Principal to make recommendations regarding budgets and other financial matters. Members also study ways to provide outside funding sources to the school with help from the Development Committee.
Enrollment and Retention Thomas Olson Works on long-range planning, enrollment projections, recruitment and works closely with the Finance Committee to identify the needs of the school and also works on the creation of an endowment fund.
Nominating Patricia Coiro Keeps the public informed about the nature of the SAC and invite potential candidates to discuss membership. The committee maintains a log of interested candidates and will refer to this log when nominations are brought to the full SAC at the nominating meeting.
Safety and Security Mary Lynch Ensures the safety and security of the students, faculty, and school grounds.
Facilities Jim Lukach Identifies specific needs for the school's physical plant and facilities and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee.


The SAC is committed to working toward ensuring that Our Lady of Lourdes School continues to be a vital and viable source of education for our children. While things are looking great as we start the new school year, there is still much hard work ahead. While the SAC has once again decided not to impose a work band for this school year, all parents are expected to contributes at least 35 hours of volunteer service at our various fundraisers. There is no doubt that if we all work together and with God's continued help, we will continue to be successful.


   Student Council





2009-2010 SAC

2007-2008 SAC

  2006-2007 SAC